Freakonomics is a very interesting book that gives you a lot of knowledge of every subject it goes over. I found that it was a very hard task for me to read it, but I endeavored and kept up
with the assigned readings. The best strategy that I used to do this was I read
on the way to school and back. I take public carpool which takes about 45
minutes to get from Vallejo to San Francisco. This would allow me to read about
10 pages every ride because I would either get dizzy, tired, or lose interest.
If this wasn't enough to finish in time I often used my breaks to catch up by
reading 2-5 pages every break. While at home I have too many distractions for
me to want to concentrate on reading for longer than 4 pages, so I would often
take breaks so I could remember what I had just read and this was I am able to
keep me interest in the book. The way I annotated the book was based on what
assignment I was given. For vocabulary I would place a question mark next to
every word I didn't understand which made going back and finding them faster. I
also used this method to find a quote I talked about by placing a mark next to
meaningful things that were said in the book. Next for moderator I have every
key point he makes and then make a quick summary of that point. Making
summaries of the points also helped me create the summary for the intro,
chapter 1, and chapter 2. Since there was so much reading, I just reread my
smaller summaries when I needed to refer back.
This book was a lot of information to take in which in turn made it hard for
me to keep interest. So I advise to try and not read the whole chapter in one sitting
but take breaks after every 10-20 minutes. Also make annotations; they will
help all your assigned book work so much easier.
I enjoyed reading what you do to keep up with your reading and admire the fact that you ever tried to read while in route to school because I tried to do the same thing and failed miserably. Great post!