Monday, June 18, 2012

The Best Yet Worst Job

        What would you do if you had a dream job that was everything you ever dreamed of, and suddenly you find out that it’s not as great as you had hoped it to be? Well this is what happened to me during my time as a sushi chef in a small restaurant in Vallejo. 

        The restaurant was called Suruki’s and at first it seemed like a dream come true. 

        Since the owner was Japanese he needed someone with work experience to become the manager to help him with hiring, and no that wasn’t me, but it was my friend Chris Aguda. He became the factotum of the store, and he was tasked with creating new menu items, doing payroll, hiring new employees, and more. Shortly after I found myself hired along with 6 of my other close friends, truly a dream come true, that is until the big boss started to criticize my work.  Within a week my dream had been shattered by the rudest, racist, ignorant, pessimistic, money driven boss, who I had never met until that day. I was yelled at and eventually was about to be fired, but thankfully Chris had saved my job. But the stress was too much and the fact that I was expendable and he was willing to fire me made me quit. Although this job was the worst one I had ever had, it taught me a lot of things that will help me with my future career choices.

        I had learned how a small business ran and that every little mistake costs money and that while you may have the greatest boss you have the exact same chances of getting the worst. In the end I learned how to work in a very fast paced environment dealing with many customers’ orders and complaints. This made me humble and I now work harder towards my goal to never be worked like a slave for only minimum wage.


  1. I really loves how you captured the readers from the beginning and how you kept the attention the rest iof the time, good story line, loved how you broke down the story, and it showed how even though you had a bad experience it taught you alot.

    great post!

  2. Amen! Your last sentence summed up my view of employment vs. education.

    "This made me humble and I now work harder towards my goal to never be worked like a slave for only minimum wage."

  3. It's funny how we both talked about the same job and how we both loved and hated the same things. Down with Suruki's.
